What's Circulating

April 2015

  • SVM 26th Anniversary and Scientific Sessions
  • SVM Elections
  • Fellows Course: A State-of-the-Art Review in Clinical Vascular Medicine
  • Partnerships
  • From Vascular Medicine
  • SVM Job Bank
  • SVM & Social Media
  • Events Calendar

    SVM 26th Anniversary and Scientific Sessions

    June 11-13, 2015
    Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
    Baltimore, Maryland USA

    Registration Discount Deadline is Thursday, April 30.

    This year marks the 26th anniversary for the Society for Vascular Medicine annual meeting. It will be held June 11-13, 2015, in Baltimore at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel.

    What’s New This Year?

    Wednesday, June 10
    ABCs of Vascular Medicine
    Speakers will cover the absolute latest information on venous thromboembolism, peripheral, renovascular and carotid arterial disease, lymphedema and lipedema.

    Thursday, June 11
    Founders Lecture
    To recognize those individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the field of Vascular Medicine, the SVM Board of Trustees instituted the Founders Lecture. The inaugural lecture will be presented by Victor J. Dzau, MD, president of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, and one of the founders of SVM. The Founders Lecture will be presented Thursday, June 11, at 9 a.m.

    Thursday, June 11
    The Editor’s Choice — Highlighting the best from SVM’s journal, Vascular Medicine

    Friday, June 12
    Vascular Medicine around the World
    Find out what’s happening in vascular medicine in Europe, Asia and South America

    Saturday, June 13
    Workshops — How to develop top-notch vascular teams — PERT, VCI Filter Retrieval and Wound Care

    SVM in the Vascular Lab features the latest information on cerebrovascular, aorta, venous, peripheral and visceral arterial diseases as well as updates in lab management

    Get complete details in the Preliminary Program or click here.

    Back by popular demand, this year’s meeting will feature three debates on controversial and current topics of interest including: the value of thrombophilia testing to determine length of anticoagulation therapy; the use of support hose to prevent the post-thrombotic syndrome; and endovascular versus surgical treatment of chronic limb ischemia. Sessions on target-specific oral anticoagulants and chronic limb ischemia will follow.

    SVM Elections

    The Society for Vascular Medicine Annual Business Meeting will be held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore, MD, Friday, June 12, 7- 8 a.m. All SVM members are invited to attend. If you have not yet renewed your membership, please do so you can attend this meeting. It will be during this meeting that Fellows will elect incoming SVM Board members.

    Nominees for the SVM Board of Trustees are:

    Heather L. Gornik, MD, FSVM, Cleveland Clinic (Two-year term)

    Herbert D. Aronow, MD, MPH, FSVM, Michigan Heart & Vascular Institute (Two-year term)

    Raghu Kolluri, MD, RVT, FSVM, OhioHealth and Riverside Methodist Hospital (Two-year term)

    Scott Kinlay, MBBS, PhD, FSVM, Brigham & Women’s Hospital (Two-year term)
    Elizabeth Ratchford, MD, FSVM, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Two-year term)
    Ido Weinberg, MD MSc MHA, FSVM, Massachusetts General Hospital (Two-year term)

    Fellows Course: A State-of-the-Art Review in Clinical Vascular Medicine

    This year, SVM is presenting the SVM Fellows Course: A State-of-the-Art Review in Clinical Vascular Medicine, a two-day intensive course designed to highlight vascular medicine for the interventionists, surgeons and vascular medicine specialists. It was developed for fellows from general cardiology, interventional cardiology, vascular medicine, interventional vascular medicine, interventional radiology and vascular surgery disciplines. The course director is Raghu Kolluri, MD, RVT, FSVM. Co-director is Ido Weinberg, MD MSc MHA, FSVM.

    The Fellows Course will provide a foundation in non-invasive vascular medicine. This course will be a resource that can prepare participants to properly identify, diagnose and treat patients with vascular disease, before, during and after vascular intervention or surgery.

    The Fellows Course will be held June 13 and 14 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, the site of the SVM 26th Scientific Sessions.


    The Fall Symposium on Advanced Wound Care will once again offer clinical sessions and host an exhibition of products and services for wound care professionals. The SAWC is committed to providing the highest level of clinical education and information to physicians, podiatrists, nurses, physical therapists and allied health professionals dedicated to the advancement of wound care and healing. SVM is serving as a co-sponsor of sessions at the Fall meeting, covering venous disease. Alan Hirsch, MD, MSVM and Emile Mohler, MD, FSVM will be serving as SVM coordinators.

    Fall Symposium on Advanced Wound Care
    September 26-28, 2015

    Caesar’s Palace
    Las Vegas, Nevada USA

    For the sixth year, the Society for Vascular Medicine and VIVA are collaborating to present the Comprehensive Review Course (CRC) on Vascular and Endovascular Medicine. This two-day course is valuable to those who want a detailed, problem-based intensive review course including both vascular and endovascular components. This course is also designed to prepare physicians planning for the American Board of Vascular Medicine (ABVM) board certification examinations. Steve Dean, DO, FSVM, is the SVM Course Director.

    Comprehensive Review Course (CRC) on Vascular and Endovascular Medicine
    October 31 – November 1, 2015

    Wynn Las Vegas
    Las Vegas, Nevada USA

    Alliance for Wound Care Stakeholders
    SVM has successfully served as a key clinical specialty society voice to payers and other stakeholders, advocating on wound care issues collaboratively with the Alliance for Wound Care Stakeholders. The Alliance unites wound care experts to advocate on public policy issues that may create barriers to patient’s access to treatments or care, with a focus on reimbursement, wound care research and wound care quality measures. Issues collaboratively addressed in 2014 included Physician Quality Reporting System wound care measures, pneumatic compression devices, physician fee schedule surrounding wound care, restrictive local coverage determinations and other areas of impact to wound care, patients and providers. Read more about the work with the Alliance.

    Vascular Medicine News

    Vascular Medicine, the official journal of the Society for Vascular Medicine, is the premier Thomson Reuters ranked, peer-reviewed international journal of vascular medicine, comprising original research articles and reviews on vascular biology, epidemiology, diagnosis, medical treatment, and interventions for vascular disease.

    Original research papers and review articles advance our field by publishing the latest clinical and scientific information in vascular medicine and related specialties. Areas of interest include:

    • Vascular biology and physiology
    • Prevention and treatment of vascular disease
    • Vascular imaging and diagnostic testing
    • Medical treatments of vascular disease
    • Endovascular intervention
    • Vascular surgery
    • Clinical thrombosis and thrombotic disorders
    • Additional topics of relevance to the clinical subspecialty of vascular medicine

    View the current issue table of contents of Vascular Medicine.

    Download the latest free-access Vascular Disease Patient Information Page by Drs. Lim and Moll on Thrombophilia.

    Submit your research and benefit from:

    • A Fully Indexed and Ranked Journal: Vascular Medicine is fully indexed and ranked in the Peripheral Vascular Disease category of the Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) Journal Citation Reports®.
    • Rapid Publication - Online submission via SAGEtrack, powered by ScholarOne Manuscripts™ ensures rapid peer review and editorial decisions.
    • Highly regarded editorial faculty of key researchers and physicians
    • Access to Fellow Researchers in Vascular Medicine -- your paper will be in good company as readers of related journals on Highwire can link to the full-text of all cited and citing references.

    View our Manuscript Submissions guidelines.

    Free Resume Posting and Discounts on Job Ads

    SVM Members can post their resumes for free on the Job Bank and get a $100 discount when they post ads on the SVM Job Bank. Visit www.vascularmed.org/jobs to post your job or to learn more.

    SVM and Social Media

    SVM has a robust and growing presence on social media. Our LinkedIn Group has grown to more than 2,550 members and more people join every week. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter. Pick one forum or pick them all, but be part of the conversation:

    Join our LinkedIn Group 
    Connect with more than 2,550 people interested in Vascular Medicine in our robust and growing LinkedIn Group. This is an excellent forum to discuss and learn about developments in vascular medicine, and learn about SVM activities.

    Like SVM on Facebook
    SVM’s FacebookShare our status updates with your colleagues.

    http://www.vascularmed.org/images/socialNets_tw.jpgFollow us on Twitter -- @SVM_Tweets
    Retweet our tweets and share your news with us. Use hashtag #VascMed or #SVM2015.

    Events Calendar

    SVM 26th Scientific Sessions
    June 11-13, 2015

    Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
    Baltimore, Maryland USA

    SVM Fellows Course
    June 13-14, 2015

    Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
    Baltimore, Maryland USA

    Society for Vascular Ultrasound 2015
    July 15-18, 2015

    Paris Hotel
    Las Vegas, Nevada USA

    Vascular Techniques & Technology Thinktank (VAST3 2015)
    July 30-Aug. 1, 2015

    Excelsior Springs Conference Center
    Saratoga Springs, New York USA
    Contact:  info@vaware.org

    AACVPR@30 30th Annual Meeting
    September 9-12, 2015
    Washington Marriott Wardman Park 
    Washington, DC USA

    Fall Symposium on Advanced Wound Care
    September 26-28, 2015

    Caesar’s Palace
    Las Vegas, Nevada USA

    Comprehensive Review Course (CRC) on Vascular and Endovascular Medicine
    October 31 – November 1, 2015

    Wynn Las Vegas
    Las Vegas, Nevada USA

    Vascular InterVentional Advances -- VIVA
    November 2-5, 2015

    Wynn Las Vegas
    Las Vegas, Nevada USA

    Do you have a conference or educational event to promote? Contact Patricia Sullivan at SVM Headquarters.

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