May 2019

MAY, 2019




Dear SVM Members,

We are gearing up for our 30th Annual Scientific Sessions later this month. Year after year, this meeting is the annual highlight of our Society, and this year’s Sessions will be extra special. This issue of our newsletter will focus on our Sessions and maximizing your participation in this terrific event. As expected, Dr. Raghu Kolluri and the Scientific Program Committee have developed another exceptional program for this year’s meeting.

Prior to the kick off, SVM volunteers will spend the afternoon of Wednesday, May 29th in committee and taskforce meetings to roll up their sleeves for SVM and work on ongoing and new activities. Later that evening, the Women in Vascular Medicine and SVM Next Generation committees have joined forces to develop a session onAchieving Your Career Goals featuring cardiovascular leader Dr. Teri Caulin-Glaser, Senior Vice President, Service Lines, OhioHealth (details below). This session is open to attendees of all disciplines and ranging from those in training and early career to those nearing retirement (…the latter probably having great perspectives to share).

The meeting will officially kick off on Thursday, May 30th at 7:45 a.m. During the following 2½ days, attendees will be treated to the Program Committee’s whirlwind of educational sessions covering the state-of-the-science in all aspects of vascular medicine, including the latest in medical therapies and interventional options for our patients. Whether it be the annual “Year in Vascular Medicine,” brief “rapid fire” talks, Great Debates, SVM in the Vascular Lab, or hands on workshops, you will leave this meeting empowered to continue your vascular practice at the highest level. We welcome members of the American Venous Forum on Friday, May 31st at 10:00 a.m. for a special joint session on chronic venous disease. And of course, the absolute favorites of every SVM Scientific Sessions, Cases Over Cocktails and Vascular Jeopardy are back. Every attendee, from the #NextGen to all of our MSVMs and Past Presidents are welcome to participate.

As always, our meeting features vascular medicine clinical and translational science, a longstanding pillar of our Society dating back to its founding in 1989. I ask all attendees to support the scientific component of our meeting by attending the Jay D. Coffman Young Investigator Session on Thursday at 3:40 p.m., the moderated poster session on Thursday at 4:45 p.m., and the Best of SVM Science Rapid Fire Oral Abstract Session on Friday at 10:50 a.m. All scientific abstracts are published in the June issue of our journal Vascular Medicine, a print copy of which will be provided for all attendees.

During this year’s meeting, Dr. Kolluri and his committee have planned special events to honor our Society’s 30th birthday. Thursday night, we will have our 30th Anniversary gala dinner, complete with toasts and tributes to our beloved SVM and a silent auction to benefit the SVM 30(k) for 30(years) fund. It is not too late to buy a dinner ticket (details below), and all meeting attendees and guests are welcome.

Beyond all of the learning and networking, there is important SVM business to conduct during the meeting. In addition to Wednesday’s committee meetings, our gala dinner and Thursday’s SVM award ceremony, I ask that all members join me for the SVM Member Business Meeting breakfast on Friday, May 31at 6:30 a.m. At this meeting, we will vote for the slate of 2019-2021 SVM Trustees and Officers(details below), and Dr. Jay Bishop will preview the results of the 2019 SVM Comprehensive Practice and Compensation Survey. Please download the Whova App now so that you can preview all of the terrific content at #SVM19 (details below).

As I mentioned in my Presidential address last year, our Scientific Sessions are our homecoming. I hope you join us for #SVM19 to reconnect with colleagues and old friends, your mentors, and your mentees current and past. Make new professional connections and build on your collaborations and friendships in our community as we celebrate and support our Society. As we come together with colleagues and friends old and new, we will all raise a glass to SVM and its next 30 years. See you in a few weeks!

In fellowship,

Heather L. Gornik, MD, FSVM



The 30th Annual Scientific Sessions is just a couple weeks away! Make sure you register by Monday, May 20, otherwise you'll have to register on site. Don't miss this special anniversary edition of the annual meeting with an anniversary gala, silent auction, Achieving Your Career Goals presentation and reception, amazing sessions, networking opportunities, exhibitors and more. We can't wait to see everyone just outside of Washington, DC, this spring.

The meeting will take place at the Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner in McLean, VA, just outside of Washington, DC, May 29 - June 1, 2019.

Learn more and register



Featuring cardiovascular leader Dr. Teri Caulin-Glaser, Senior Vice President, Service Lines, OhioHealth

Wednesday, May 29, 5:45 - 7:00 p.m.

This session is sponsored by the Women in Vascular Medicine and the SVM Next Generation Committee

Regardless of whether we are discussing a large health organization, physician groups, or our own personal lives, there are always too many things to accomplish, too few resources, and too many distractions. Goal deployment focuses and aligns an organization, physician groups, or an individual on those goals most meaningful, connecting them to the actual work that delivers value and spurring meaningful conversations about how those goals should be tackled. Every healthcare organization, every physician group, and every person can improve. But planning, managing, and executing improvement within complex healthcare systems, physician groups, and hectic lives is incredibly challenging. This presentation will discuss the OhioHealth Heart & Vascular Service Line story, review goal deployment methodology, and a brief practical exercise.

View the full schedule




Make sure you attend one of our FOUR non-CME symposia at the 2019 Annual Scientific Sessions. Check the app or website for times and locations.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

6:30 – 7:45 a.m.
Cook Medical
The Approach to the Patient with Acute Pulmonary Embolus
Greg Piazza, MD, MS
John Bartholomew, MD
Mitchell Silver, DO

12:40 – 2:10 p.m.
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Advances in the management of CAD/PAD: A new treatment for thrombotic risk reduction
G. Jay Bishop, MD, FACP, FSVM, RPVI

12:40 – 2:10 p.m.
Chronic Venous Disease: Debunking Myths and Optimizing Treatment
Speaker TBD

Saturday, June 1, 2019

6:30 – 7:45 a.m.
Who Are The Highest Risk CV Patients & How Do We Manage Them? A Focus on Recent-MI and PAD.
Kavita Sharma, MD, FACC



A strategy session sponsored by the American Board of Vascular Medicine (ABVM) and the Society for Vascular Medicine (SVM)

By Bruce H. Gray, Heather L. Gornik

Leaders of both ABVM and SVM gathered at Kellen Headquarters in Oakbrook, Illinois, on April 3rd, 2019. The goal of the meeting was to discuss past and current activities to achieve accreditation of vascular medicine fellowship training programs and recognition of vascular medicine as a subspecialty. A series of updates were given by members of both organizations followed by robust discussion in small working groups. Attendees then reconvened for a productive strategic planning session. There were diverse perspectives shared ranging from those of early and mid-career attendees to those of past SVM Presidents, as well as an honest consideration of past struggles, slow progress, and potential paths ahead. Recommendations from this session have been taken back to both the SVM Board of Trustees and the ABVM Board of Directors. Additional updates regarding future plans related to this meeting will be forthcoming to SVM members. One key outcome of this meeting was a strengthening of the partnership of ABVM and SVM to work together and pool resources in the years to come to achieve recognition of our subspecialty.

Attendees (from left to right): Jonathan Halperin, Mark Creager, Alec Schmaier, Bruce Gray, Thom Rooke, Heather Gornik. Herb Aronow, Teresa Carman, Joshua Beckman, Ana Casanegra, Mark Bates, Raghu Kolluri, Suman Wasan, Michael Jaff, James Froehlich, Jay Bishop, Mary McDermott, Yogen Kanthi, Ido Weinberg, Aditya Sharma, Jeffrey Olin.





In support of 30 more years of advancing vascular medicine and growing SVM, we ask that you consider contributing to our 30 for 30 fundraising campaign. Your donations directly support the work SVM does and will contribute to ongoing programs and new initiatives, including a membership growth campaign and so much more. Please consider supporting SVM today.

Contribute to 30 more years


The Society for Vascular Medicine Annual Business Meeting will be held at the Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner in McLean, VA, on Friday, May 31, 6:30 - 7:45 a.m. All SVM members are invited to attend. If you have not yet renewed your membership, please do so that you can attend this meeting and vote for our future leaders. It will be during this meeting that voting members will elect incoming SVM Trustees.

Below is the slate of nominees for the SVM Board of Trustees:


Raghu Kolluri, MD, RVT, FSVM


Herb Aronow, MD, MPH, FSVM


Past President:
Heather Gornik, MD, RVT, RPVI, FSVM


Ido Weinberg, MD, MSc, MHA, FSVM


Elizabeth Ratchford, MD, FSVM


Nicholas Leeper, MD, FSVM
(2nd term)


Paul Wennberg, MD, FSVM
(2nd term)


Mehdi H. Shishehbor, DO, MPH, PhD, FSVM
(1st term)





Since this is the 30th Annual Scientific Sessions, the meeting wouldn't be complete without a black tie optional anniversary gala (or come as you are, if you prefer!). The event will take place at the Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner on Thursday, May 30, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. If you've already registered for the meeting but don't have your gala ticket yet, make sure you buy it today.

6:00 – 7:00 p.m. – Silent Auction Bidding

6:00 – 6:30 p.m. – Cocktails

6:30 p.m. – Welcome by Dr. Raghu Kolluri

– Toasts and Tributes from Past Presidents

6:45 p.m. – Dinner

7:30 p.m. – Dessert and Program

Next Gen Committee – Dr. Yogen Kanthi

VAS - European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular Medicine – Dr. Gabriel Dimitrov

Silent Auction Results –Drs. Heather Gornik and Eri Fukaya

SVM30 Presentation – Dr. Thom Rooke (knowing Dr. Rooke, it should be memorable!)

Buy gala ticket



Download the #SVM19 conference Whova app today and get the entire conference at your fingertips. The app is now available. Simply download from the app store and use your meeting registration email when logging in.

• Explore the professional profiles of event speakers and attendees

• Engage and learn about exhibitors

• Send in-app messages and exchange contact info

• Network and find attendees with common affiliations, educations,

shared networks, and social profiles

• Receive update notifications from organizers

• Access the event agenda, GPS guidance, maps, and parking directions

at your fingertips

If prompted for an invitation code, use SVM30

Download for Android and iOS



SVM is seeking donated items for a silent auction to be held to support its 30 (K) for 30 (years) fundraising campaign. Proceeds raised from the auction will be used to support new programming for our Society and efforts to support novel strategies to grow our membership.

Potential items for donation could include:

• Textbooks by SVM members signed by the authors

• Original artwork and/or photography by our more artistic SVM members (signed by the creators if possible)

• Goods assembled by members (e.g., thematic gift baskets, homemade stationary, a terrific vintage bottle)

• Donation of time and expertise by SVM members

Donate an item



Evaluation and Management of an Unusual Case of Renal Artery Stenosis
Matthew R. Alexander, MD, PhD; Esther Kim, MD, MPH; J. Matt Luther, MD; Aaron W. Aday, MD, MSc

Test yourself with this month's case study!

A 69-year-old female with a history of chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, peripheral artery disease with previous left superficial femoral artery stenting, and hypertension presented to the hospital with chest discomfort. She reported that her central chest discomfort developed gradually over the past several hours, was not exertional, and was associated with a mild headache. She checked her blood pressure (BP) at home which was greater than 200/100.

See case study



Vascular Medicine is SVM's premier peer-reviewed journal, featuring the latest clinical and scientific information in vascular medicine. Heather Gornik, MD, FSVM, of the Vascular Center at University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, serves as Editor-in-Chief and many senior SVM members serve on the Editorial Board. Learn more about Vascular Medicine and CME opportunities for SVM Members. Follow the journal on twitter at @VMJ_SVM.


SVM Blue Pages:
Society for Vascular Medicine Updates
Ido Weinberg, Mitchell D Weinberg, Yogen Kanthi

Download the latest Patient Information Page:
Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome
Caitlin W Hicks, James H Black III, Elizabeth V Ratchford

Editor's Choice Article:
First International Consensus on the diagnosis and management of fibromuscular dysplasia
Heather L Gornik, Alexandre Persu, et al.

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