In memory of SVM Founder and Past-President, Dr. Alan T. Hirsch, the Society for Vascular Medicine offers travel awards to promote the interest of younger vascular clinicians, practitioners, and vascular researchers to attend the annual meeting. The Hirsch Travel Award program is designed to facilitate participation for those experiencing financial hardship. The travel awards are supported by voluntary contributions from SVM members and friends. 


Please fill out the form below to be considered for the Hirsch Travel Award.

First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Institution (Hospital/University) *
Title/Position *
Professional Status *

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Highest Degree Earned *
Year Degree Received *
Are you a Member of SVM? *

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Vascular Areas of Interest (hold Ctrl key to select more than one choice) *
Curriculum Vitae (CV) *
Statement of Need (explaining the importance of attending the meeting) *
Letter of Support from Sponsor: (Note: if you are a Resident or Fellow, the letter should be written by your Program Director). *
I agree to provide a written summary of how attendance at the SVM 2025 Vascular Scientific Sessions benefited my professional growth in vascular medicine within 30 days of completion of the meeting (Required to receive a travel award). *

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