SVM Video Library

SVM presents a number of videos related to vascular medicine, including:

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Vascular Medicine Interviews

Venous Thromoboembolism: Predicting recurrence and the need for extended anticoagulation 
Vascular Medicine, Vol. 20, No. 2
Geoffrey D. Barnes, Yogendra Kanthi, and James B. Froehlich

Aditya Sharma, MBBS, RPVI, interviews Dr. Geoffrey D. Barnes on a review article, Venous thromboembolism: Predicting recurrence and the need for extended anticoagulation by Geoffrey D. Barnes, Yogendra Kanthi, and James B. Froehlich of the University of Michigan Frankel Cardiovascular Center, in the April 2015 issue of Vascular Medicine. Read the full article.


The first 10 years of the American Board of Vascular Medicine
Vascular Medicine, Vol. 20, No. 1
Bruce H. Gray, DO MSVM, et al.

Aditya Sharma, MBBS, RPVI, interviews Bruce H. Gray, DO MSVM, on 10 years of ABVM Certification.  You can read the abstract of his article in the February 2015 issue of Vascular Medicine, the official journal of the Society for Vascular Medicine. 

SVM Members and Vascular Medicine Subscribers can read the full article.


A New Look
Vascular Medicine, Vol. 20, No. 1
Heather L. Gornik, MD, FSVM

Esther S. Kim, MD, FSVM, interviews Heather Gornik, MD, FSVM, editor of Vascular Medicine, the official journal of the Society for Vascular Medicine, about changes in the journal, the new cover design, and more. Dr. Gornik's editorial appeared in the February 2015 issue. Read the editorial.

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Hot Topics Video Series

In this video series, experts in the field are interviewed on contemporary vascular medicine topics with the objective of sharing expert opinion and providing clarity for difficult clinical issues related to vascular disorders.

Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD)

Aditya Sharma, MD, interviews Jeffrey W. Olin, DO, MSVM, and Heather L. Gornik, MD, FSVM, about Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD) during the SVM 25th Anniversary and Scientific Sessions. Dr. Olin is a professor of medicine and the Director of Vascular Medicine and the Vascular Diagnostic Laboratory at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York and a past president of SVM. Dr. Gornik is a vascular medicine specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, a member of the SVM Board of Trustees, and editor of Vascular Medicine, the official journal of SVM.

Recorded June 13, 2014, at the SVM 25th Anniversary & Scientific Sessions, in La Jolla, California.


Novel Anticoagulants and the Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism

Aditya Sharma, MD, interviews James B. Froehlich, MD, MPH, FSVM, about Novel Anticoagulants during the SVM 25th Anniversary and Scientific Sessions. Dr. Froehlich is president of the Society for Vascular Medicine and Professor of Internal Medicine, Director of Vascular Medicine and Director of Anticoagulation Clinic at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Recorded June 12, 2014, at the SVM 25th Anniversary & Scientific Sessions, in La Jolla, California.


Is the Chapter on Renal Denervation Over?

Aditya Sharma, MD, interviews Herbert Aronow, MD, MPH, FSVM, about renal denervation and hypertension during the SVM 25th Anniversary and Scientific Sessions. Dr. Aronow is an interventional cardiologist at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and a member of the board of trustees of the Society for Vascular Medicine.

Recorded June 12, 2014, at the SVM 25th Anniversary & Scientific Sessions, in La Jolla, California.

Iliac Artery Disease: A Case-based Approach to Stent Selection

SVM presents Iliac Artery Disease: A Case-based Approach to Stent Selection. The purpose of the multi-media program is to create a common foundation and understanding regarding lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD) of the inflow arteries within the extended medical community. Topics covered include the epidemiology, diagnosis, prognosis and medical management of PAD. Appropriate endovascular and surgical revascularization are also discussed. A number of cases managed with an endovascular approach are reviewed. Best endovascular practices, including those relating to stent selection are shared.

Materials include:

  • Video recording with comprehensive discussion of iliac artery disease (in three parts)
  • Panel review audio recording discussing the most pressing issues of lower extremity artery disease
  • Annotated bibliography of the most important TCTs and registries

View the presentation (in three parts)

Part 1


Part 2

Part 3

The Society for Vascular Medicine is grateful for the time and talents shared by the following members:

Herbert Aronow, MD, MPH, FSVM, Chair
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI

Joshua A. Beckman, MD, MS, FSVM
Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA

Douglas Drachman, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA

Mehdi Shishehbor, DO, MPH
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

Piotr Sobieszczyk, MD, FSVM
Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA

All materials on this webpage are copyrighted. No part of these materials may be reproduced for sale. These materials are intended for educational purposes and to further general scientific and medical knowledge, research and understanding of the conditions and associated treatments discussed herein. These materials are not intended to serve as and should not be relied upon as recommending or promoting any specific diagnosis or method of treatment for a particular condition or a particular patient.

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