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The deadline to apply for 2023 has passed. 

About the Award

In memory of SVM Founder and Past-President, Dr. Alan T. Hirsch, the Society for Vascular Medicine offers travel awards to promote the interest of younger vascular clinicians, practitioners, students, and vascular researchers to attend the annual meeting. This is designed to facilitate participation for those without adequate financial resources to attend.


  1. To cultivate interest in the field of vascular medicine (and related vascular research)
  2. To encourage trainees, clinicians and practitioners to increase their knowledge of vascular medicine

Eligibility & Application

  • Young investigators, clinicians (residents, fellows, and early career physicians), nurses and technologists, and students are encouraged to apply. 
  • Candidates are selected on the basis of their experience and goals in vascular medicine and related vascular research, their ability to benefit from participation in the annual meeting, and financial need.
  • The travel award application process is open to SVM members and non-members who have not previously received an SVM travel award.
  • The application includes a statement of need that explains the impact or importance of attending this meeting, current curriculum vitae, and a letter of support from your sponsor (residents and other trainees should include a letter of support from their training directors).
  • Travel Award recipients must provide a written summary of how attendance at the SVM Annual Meeting benefited their professional growth in vascular medicine within 30 days of completion of the meeting. Reimbursements will be issued upon receipt of the brief written summary.

Selection Criteria

Criteria for students and trainees may include:

  • Prior experiences specific to vascular medicine training (or research)
  • Likelihood that attending will impact their practicing vascular medicine (or conducting vascular related research) in the future
  • The availability of other support to attend the meeting.

Criteria for practicing physicians or other practitioner may include:

  • People in early or mid-career who provide medical care for patient with vascular disease
  • The magnitude of the impact attending the conference would have on the applicant’s delivery of care.

Award and Registration

Travel award recipients receive up to $1,000 in travel support and complimentary registration to the Vascular Scientific Sessions.

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