Vanderbilt Vascular Medicine Program

The Vanderbilt Vascular Medicine Section announces the inauguration of the Brown Family Fellowship in Vascular Medicine.  This one-year clinical non-interventional fellowship will equip trainees to apply for certification in Vascular Medicine through the American Board of Vascular Medicine and obtain their Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI) credential. 

Core rotations will include those in the outpatient vascular medicine clinic, inpatient vascular medicine consultation service, the non-invasive vascular laboratory, and rotations in vascular imaging, vascular interventions, benign hematology, and vascular surgery. 

The Vascular Medicine section at Vanderbilt University Medical Center aims to produce leaders in the field of vascular medicine through exposure to the highest level of vascular care.  Trainees will become facile in the evaluation and treatment of arterial, venous, and lymphatic disease and also become familiar with rarer arterial diseases through exposure to the dedicated Marfan Syndrome and Aortic Disorders Center led by Drs. Joshua Beckman and Clayton Kaiser and the Arteriopathy Clinic led by Dr Esther Kim.

For more information on the fellowship, view the brochure.  Candidates may submit an application until January 31, 2018.

Vascular Medicine Faculty

Joshua Beckman, MD, MS
Professor of Medicine
Director, Section of Vascular Medicine
Program Director, The Brown Family Fellowship in Vascular Medicine




Esther S.H. Kim, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Medicine
Director, Arteriopathy Clinic





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